IISD Publishes Coverage of the Low-Emissions Solutions Conference at COP24
This year’s LESC at COP24 features distinguished panelists from government, academia, business, and civil society who will address the themes of energy and land use. Spotlight presentations will facilitate rich dialogue on what is still needed and how public-private partnerships can support the common objectives between nations, cities, business, and academia. The outcomes of this event will be submitted to the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action.
The IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C highlights that limiting warming to 1.5°C remains possible, but only if we urgently and rapidly transform all systems at an unprecedented scale. Net CO2 emissions need to be zero in 2050. In pursuit of this target, the energy system must transition away from fossil fuels – currently responsible for over 80% of primary energy demand – toward increasing shares of zero-carbon energy sources in all sectors. Given the scale of the challenge, all low-carbon solutions will be needed in this transformation. This session presented the decarbonization efforts already taking place in the power sector, and showcased how this can decarbonize the transport and buildings sector through electrification.
Read the full coverage from IISD here.
Photos by IISD/ENB | Diego Noguera