LESC at COP25 Dinner: Circular Economy: Driving Systems Transformation to Net-Zero

December 9, 2019
Casino de Madrid

The aim of this high-level dinner dialogue is to promote dialogue between business, government, and academia on what it means to realize a circular economy to various sectors and what are the key solutions to getting to net zero emissions across all sectors by mid-century.

Session objectives:


09 Dec 6:30PM
Arrival of guests and welcome cocktail
09 Dec 7:30PM
Opening remarks by LESC Partners
09 Dec 7:40PM
Opening Keynote: Driving Ambition to Net Zero
09 Dec 7:55PM
Ice-Breaker Dialogue 1: What does the circular economy mean in the power, buildings, transport and industrial sectors?
09 Dec 8:15PM
Table Talks
09 Dec 9:10PM
Ice-breaker Dialogue 2: Taking a systems approach to mitigate emissions - how can sectors work together?
09 Dec 9:30PM
Table Talks
09 Dec 10:00PM
Closing Keynote
09 Dec 10:10PM
Final Remarks
09 Dec 10:15PM
Networking Dialogue